June 2024


Recent Events:


·       Meeting of the SATRC Working Group on Policy, Regulation and Services

·       APT Web Dialogue on Addressing the Mobile Gender Gap in the APAC region

·      The 36th APT Standardization Program Forum (ASTAP-36)

·       Virtual Interim Meeting of Working Group 3 of the APT WTSA-24

·       The 1st Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-27 (APG27-1)


Upcoming Events:


·       The 4th Meeting of APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-24 (APT WTSA24-4)

·       The 24th APT Policy and Regulatory Forum (PRF-24)

·       The 1st Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTDC-25 (APT WTDC25-1)

·       The 1st Meeting of the Correspondence Group for the APT Ministerial Meeting (CGMM-1)

·       APT Symposium on Spectrum Management

·       The 21st APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-21)

·       The 5th Meeting of APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-24 (APT WTSA24-5)


Recent Events


Meeting of the SATRC Working Group on Policy, Regulation and Services:

14 - 16 May 2024, Islamabad, Pakistan


The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) organized the Meeting of the SATRC Working Group on Policy, Regulation and Services (WG PRS) from 14 to 16 May 2024 in Islamabad, Pakistan. The meeting was hosted by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), and attended by 48 delegates including the experts of the Working Group from 9 SATRC Members and 7 Affiliate Members of APT.


The meeting of SATRC WG PRS is one of the activities of the SATRC Action Plan Phase IX (2024-2025) (SAP-IX) which was adopted by the 24th Meeting of SATRC (SATRC-24) held in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2023. It was the first face-to-face meeting of the Working Group under the SAP-IX.


The meeting discussed the Work Items assigned to the Working Group by the Council. The Work Items of WG PRS under SAP-IX are as follows:

• Work Item 1: Study of the regulatory challenges concerning new technologies and smart solutions for Fixed and Mobile Broadband

• Work Item 2: Enhancing the Utilization of Universal Service Obligation Fund for Digital Inclusion

• Work Item 3: Enhancing ICT E-Waste Management Regulations for Sustainable Development

• Work Item 4: Study on challenges and addressal of online scams and digital financial frauds taking into account the consumer information protection and rights

• Work Item 5: Analyzing the impact of convergence and emerging services on the tariff policies in SATRC countries

• Work Item 6: Smart Cities and Societies: Experience and Case Studies in SATRC countries in deploying IoT, Big Data and similar technologies


The key outcomes of the meeting are as follows:

• Appointment of the lead/co-lead experts of the assigned Work Items

• Review and adoption of the Detail Work Plan

• Development of Questionnaires on each Work Items to obtain the necessary information from the SATRC member countries


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APT Web Dialogue on Addressing the Mobile Gender Gap in the APAC Region:

16 May 2024, Online


The APT organized the APT Web Dialogue on Addressing the Mobile Gender Gap in the APAC Region on 16 May 2024 in collaboration with GSMA on the occasion of the International Girls in ICT Day this year. It was attended by 55 attendees including APT members and non-members.


The speakers from GSMA, Claire Sibthorpe, Head of Digital Inclusion in the Mobile for Development (M4D) team, and Pippa McDougall, Senior Advocacy Manager, Connected Women, shared the latest data and insights on the size and drivers of the mobile gender gap in low- and middle-income countries across Asia Pacific (APAC) region. The GSMA’s presentation was followed by an interactive discussion/Q&A on what policies are needed to accelerate progress to address the digital gender divide at scale and discussed potential solutions to bridge this gap and empower more women and girls through mobile connectivity.



Click here for the full recording of the event


The 36th APT Standardization Program Forum (ASTAP-36):

20 - 24 May 2024, Bangkok, Thailand


The 36th APT Standardization Program Forum (ASTAP-36) was held from 20 to 24 May 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. Total 152 participants from 18 APT Members, 11 Affiliate Members and 1 International Organization attended the Forum. Industry Workshop on Supply Chain Cybersecurity’, ‘Small Medium Enterprise (SME)’ and ‘APT/ITU-T Workshop on Establishing National Standardization Secretariat (NSS) for BSG Capacity Building were also held on 20 May 2024 with 19 presentations.


The Task Force on ASTAP Future Direction also met to revise its ToR and create 3 Working Groups to study on ASTAP Working Methods/Structure, Capacity Building/ Deliverables, Industry Engagement/ Tools for Collaborations. APT Secretariat will send a circular letter inviting experts from APT members to join Task Force Working Group email discussion.


ASTAP-36 approved 7 APT Reports, 5 Questionnaires, 2 Liaison Statements and 2 revised ToRs of Expert Groups. ASTAP-36 also revised Work Plans of its three Working Groups.


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Virtual Interim Meeting of Working Group 3 of the APT WTSA-24:

27 - 29 May 2024, Virtual Meeting


The Virtual Interim Meeting of Working Group 3 of the APT WTSA-24 was held from 27 to 29 May 2024 and attended by more than 100 participants. The meeting continued to review and discuss the candidate draft PACPs allocated to Working Group 3 at the APT WTSA24-3. The meeting reviewed and discussed 16 Input Documents and 11 Temporary Documents carried from the APT WTSA24-3.


Based on the review and discussion, 20 revised documents were created as Temporary Documents as outcomes of the meeting. Working Group 3 plans to put forward these Temporary Documents to future meeting.


Click here for more details


The 1st Meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-27

(APG27-1): 3 - 6 June 2024, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China


APG27-1 was held in Shanghai, People’s Republic of China from 3 to 6 June 2024. It was hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, People’s Republic of China. The Meeting was attended by 672 delegates of which 306 delegates attended the meeting physically. 26 APT Members, 31 Affiliate Members and 4 International Organizations were represented at the meeting.


The objectives of the meeting were:

·       To kick off the preparatory process for WRC-27

·       Elect Chair and two Vice-Chairs of APG-27

·       Establish the Working Parties for APG-27

·       Appoint Chairs of the Working Parties and Editorial Committee

·       Tentative workplan and meeting schedule of APG-27

·       Establish the DGs in WPs and nominate Chairs for the DGs.


APG27-1 received the nomination of Mr. Nobuyuki Kawai (Japan) for the Chair of APG-27. There were no other candidates. APG27-1 elected Mr. Nobuyuki Kawai as the Chair of APG-27.


APG27-1 received 6 candidates for the 2 positions of Vice-Chairs of APG-27. The candidates were from Australia, People’s Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran and Republic of Korea. The situation was a bit complex during the meeting. Since there was no consensus on the issue of Vice-Chairs positions, the Secretary General of the APT suggested to defer it to APG27-2. In the meantime, the Secretary General will consult with relevant administrations to find a solution before APG27-2.  


APG27-1 established five (5) Working Parties for APG-27 similar to the CPM-27 report. The Working Parties are basically related to various Radiocommunication Service issues and assigned agenda items based on discussion. However, the appointment of the Chairs for the Working Parties became related to the positions of the Vice-Chairs. As a result, APG27-1 appointed only Acting Chairs for the Working Parties. Three Working Parties (WP1, WP2 and WP3) ended up with Co-Chairs due to the large number of competent candidates. APG27-1 clearly indicated the division of responsibilities among the Acting Co-Chairs.


During APG27-1, each Working Party had one session. The associated agenda items for WPs were briefly discussed. WPs also established DG for each WRC-27 agenda item. For some DGs, Chairs were appointed. However, a large number of DG Chair positions are still under consideration due to many candidates. APG27-1 requested WPs to conclude the issue of DG Chairs before APG27-2 in order to have smooth work at APG27-2.


APG27-1 discussed the tentative workplan and meeting schedule for APG-27 during the preparation cycle. There were several proposals in this regard. The discussion was mainly about whether to have 5 or 6 meetings in this cycle. APG27-1 decided to have 5 preparatory meetings during this cycle with the possibility of adding one additional meeting, the necessity of which to be discussed at APG27-2. APG27-1 agreed to have one meeting each in 2024, 2025 and 2026 and two meetings in 2027. There was an indication by the Republic of Korea to host the final meeting or the one before the final meeting.


APG27-2 is planned to be held in Jun/July time frame in 2025.


A group of men in suits standing in a room with chairs and tables

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Upcoming Events


The 4th Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-24

(APT WTSA24-4)

25 - 28 June 2024, Adelaide, Australia, Hybrid Meeting


The APT will organize the 4th Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-24 (APT WTSA24-4) from 25 to 28 June 2024 in Adelaide, Australia with physical attendance as well as virtual/online participation through Zoom meeting (i.e. hybrid meeting). The Meeting will be co-hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Australian Government.  


The objective of APT WTSA24-4 is to assist the APT members to prepare for the ITU World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2024 (WTSA-24) which will take place in New Delhi, India from 15 to 24 October 2024. APT WTSA24-4 will discuss the issues to be identified for WTSA-24 and develop Preliminary APT Common Proposal (PACP) on those issues based on the input contributions from the APT members.





The 24th APT Policy and Regulatory Forum (PRF-24)

16 - 18 July 2024, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Hybrid Meeting


The APT will organize the 24th APT Policy and Regulatory Forum (PRF-24) from 16 to 18 July 2024 in Chiang Mai, Thailand with physical attendance as well as virtual/online participation through Zoom meeting (i.e. hybrid meeting).


PRF-24 will focus its work in line with the five Strategic Pillars of the Strategic Plan of the APT which serves as the guideline for APT’s activities for 2024-2026. This PRF-24 will consist of special features which are as follows:


1) High-Level Dialogue: A session among Ministers, Vice Ministers and high-level officials to share strategies, insights, experiences, policies being implemented in their countries with regard smart governance which are in line with the objective of the Singapore Statement adopted by the ICT Ministers of APT.


2) Regulators’ Roundtable: A roundtable among the Heads of the Regulators to share their experiences and practices on regulatory issues and identify the challenges, opportunities and possible way forward regarding inclusive and universal digital landscape.


3) Business Dialogues: Sessions to provide platform for industry representatives to express their views on technology foresight and 6G/IMT-2030.




The 1st Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTDC-25

(APT WTDC25-1)

19 July 2024, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Hybrid Meeting


The APT will organize the 1st Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTDC-25 (APT WTDC25-1) on 19 July 2024 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, with physical attendance and remote participation using online platform (i.e hybrid meeting).

The objective of the APT WTDC25-1 is to launch the preparatory process of the APT for the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference 2025 (WTDC-25). The APT WTDC25-1 is expected to:

  • Elect the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the preparatory group;
  • Form the structure of the preparatory group;
  • Nominate Office Bearers of the preparatory group based on the structure;
  • Develop working methods and work plan for the preparation of WTDC-25;
  • Preliminary discussion on key issues pertaining to WTDC-25.





The 1st Meeting of the Correspondence Group for the APT Ministerial Meeting (CGMM-1)

19 July 2024, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Hybrid Meeting


The APT will organize the 1st Meeting of the Correspondence Group for the APT Ministerial Meeting for (CGMM-1) on 19 July 2024 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, with physical attendance and remote participation using online platform (i.e. hybrid meeting).


The objectives of the CGMM-1 are to discuss the initial draft of the Ministerial Statement of the APT Ministerial Meeting for 2025, including the structure, theme, priority areas, inputs from the Members, and develop the first draft of the Ministerial Statement of the APT Ministerial Meeting for 2025.


  • CGMM-1 is a half-day (afternoon) back-to-back event preceded by the 24th APT Policy and Regulatory Forum (PRF-24) [16-18 July 2024] and the 1st Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTDC-25 (APT WTDC25-1) [morning of 19 July 2024] which will be held at the same venue in hybrid format.





APT Symposium on Spectrum Management

29 - 31 July 2024, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Hybrid Meeting


The APT will organize the APT Symposium on Spectrum Management from 29 to 31 July 2024 in Dhaka, Bangladesh with physical attendance as well as virtual/online participation through Zoom meeting platform (i.e. hybrid meeting). The event will be hosted by the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).

The objective of the symposium is to discuss and share understandings on policy and regulatory issues in spectrum management taking into the account the outcomes of WRC-23, possible approaches toward new ICT trends and to facilitate regional cooperation in relevant areas, including but not limited to:

  • Connectivity needs and national spectrum strategy
  • Spectrum policy and technological consideration for enhancing rural connectivity
  • Meeting demand for spectrum bandwidth and developing spectrum roadmap
  • Spectrum management vision of the future
  • Best practices and experiences in spectrum management among members.


The Symposium will encourage dialogue among high level policy makers, regulators and industry in the region on the issues above mentioned.





The 21st APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-21)

6 - 8 August 2024, Jakarta, Indonesia, Hybrid Meeting


The APT will organize the 21st APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-21) on 6-8 August 2024 in Jakarta, Indonesia in hybrid format (both physical and virtual/online attendance through APT Zoom meeting) hosted by the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Republic of Indonesia.


This ADF-21 will consist of the following contents.


1. Thematic Sessions: The recent development of communication technology, computing, and data engineering is causing rapid changes in human life and society. This ADF will look at the efforts to narrow the digital gap and expand universal connectivity, as well as the best practices for AI applications, digital transformation, disaster management, and promoting digital inclusivity.

2. Sessions for EBCs: A platform to share the current status, outcomes, and achievements of the ICT Pilot Projects implemented by APT Members based on the Extra-Budgetary Contributions (EBCs) from People’s Republic of China, Japan, and Republic of Korea will be held. This ADF-21 includes a poster-style exhibition presenting the contents of these projects.





The 5th Meeting of APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-24 (APT WTSA24-5)

19 - 23 August 2024, Bangkok, Thailand, Hybrid Meeting


The 5th Meeting of APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-24 (APT WTSA24-5) will be held from 19 to 23 August 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand with physical attendance as well as virtual/online participation through Zoom meeting (i.e. hybrid meeting). The Meeting will be organized by the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) and hosted by the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC) of Thailand.


The objective of APT WTSA24-5 is to assist the APT members to prepare for the ITU World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2024 (WTSA-24) which will take place in New Delhi, India from 15 to 24 October 2024. APT WTSA24-5 will review the ITU Preparation and outcomes of TSAG meeting, review the outcomes of the preparatory process of other regional organizations, finalize the development of Preliminary APT Common Proposals (PACPs), review the proposals to WTSA-24 by other regions and develop possible APT Positions, as appropriate, and develop necessary procedures and APT coordination arrangements during WTSA-24.





Other Upcoming Events in 2024




1.     The 17th APT Policy and Regulation Forum for Pacific (PRFP-17)

3 - 5 September


2.     The 33rd Meeting of the APT Wireless Group (AWG-33)

9 - 13 September

Bangkok, Thailand

3.     SATRC Workshop on Recent Trends and Technologies

30 Sep - 2 Oct





        Quick Links to APT Work Programmes and Activities


To ensure effective communication, please notify us of any changes to your contact details by emailing

aptpublication@apt.int so that you never miss any updates.

Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT)
 12/49 Soi 5, Chaeng Watthana Road, Bangkok 10210, Thailand


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